How to Become a Member Cmslo

The factors that are considered most important in granting membership are a good track record in business operations, strong financial commitment, and a significant local value-added component in the products and services offered. Member companies are expected to comply with the Association’s Code of Conduct. Membership comprises of Members and Associate Members categories.

How to Become a Member Cmslo

How to Become a Member Cmslo

Members are entitled to hold office and vote at any meeting of the Association. Associate members enjoy all the benefits of membership but are not entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association.

Eligibility Criteria

Any firm, society, company, or division thereof registered or incorporated in India and conducting business in IT software, IT software services, Internet, e-commerce or IT-enabled services, and/or associated services shall be eligible to apply for membership provided:

Its main activity is the development of IT software and services or associated services; it performs this activity for commercial gain and has a minimum turnover of Rs. 5 lakh in software and/or associated services or has an authorized capital of at least Rs. 20 lakh.

IMPORTANT: This is not applicable in the case of Institutional Members who provide support services.

Member: IT software and services companies registered in India, with annual revenue of Rs. 10 lakh and above (from IT software and services). These include companies involved in:

  • Software Development
  • Selling of Software Packages
  • Dotcom Companies
  • IT Enabled Service Companies
  • Systems Integrators
  • Training companies etc.

Associate Member: IT software and services companies registered in India (but whose annual revenue is below Rs. 10 lakh from software and services), are eligible to be Associate Members of Nasscom.

Liaison Offices as Associate Members: Overseas companies that have an office in India can apply for Nasscom membership in the Associate Member category.

Institutional Members:

  • Government Organisations
  • Societies
  • Financial Institutions
  • Venture Capital Firms
  • Research Institutions
  • Infrastructure Providers
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Venture Capital Funds and
  • “Companies providing services to IT industry”
  • can be institutional Members of Nasscom under the Associate Member Category.

Admission of Members

Application for admission to membership shall be made to ‘The President, Nasscom’ in the form as prescribed by the Council from time to time. Applications shall be considered as expeditiously as possible, but the Council may call upon the applicant to furnish such additional information relating to his eligibility as may be considered necessary. The Executive Council of Nasscom possesses all the rights to reject a membership application, without assigning any reason thereof.

Admission Fees and Subscription

On admission to the Association, every applicant will be charged a one-time and non-refundable admission fee of Rs. 5,000.

The annual subscription from each member shall be calculated at the following rates on a slab system based on its gross sales turnover from software & software services during the last financial year in the case of an existing member. For new members, the rate of annual subscription would be based on the estimated projected turnover of the current financial year.


Gross sales turnover would be equal to net sales (plus services charges) turnover, i.e. exclusive of sales return and other, plus excise duty.

In the case of members having both IT software and services as well as non-software interest, the subscription shall be based on IT software and services activities only. In case of any doubt, the quantum shall be decided by the Executive Council and it will be binding on the members.

Members shall, as and when required by the Association, furnish to the Association necessary information relating to their gross turnover and authorized capital. If any member fails to furnish this information to the Association, then the Association will charge subscriptions from such members based on a 25 percent increase over its gross sales turnover figures of the previous year.

Revision of Fees

The Executive Council reserves the right to revise the fees – both admission and annual subscription as long as increases are limited to 25 percent of the respective fees and such revision is not affected more than once in 12 months. In all other cases, approval of the Association in a General Body Meeting is required.

Membership Dues

All membership dues are payable in advance for a financial year in full and become due on the first of April each year and are payable before the end of May of the year. The annual dues of new members joining after September in any year will be reduced to half the annual fees.

In case, wherein the opinion of the Council, unusual expenditure or commitments may become necessary in furtherance of the objectives or interests of the Association or its members, the Council shall be empowered to levy from the members on an equitable basis such additional sums, provided that in any one financial year, such levies shall not exceed an amount equal to the annual subscription for the member and that it is approved by a General Meeting of the Association.

Member Relationship

All members of Nasscom are requested to conform to the letter and spirit of the summary Code set out herewith.

Relationship with Client: Dealings with clients must be conducted ethically; terms of agreements should be clearly and precisely expressed and fulfilled in good faith; work undertaken should be carried out promptly and efficiently and the client’s interests properly safeguarded and confidentiality maintained.

Relations with Fellow Members: Dealings with fellow members must be conducted positively and professionally and in utmost courtesy and fairness; property rights, work results, confidential data, and vendor/client relations of fellow members ought to be respected; and no engagement in harmful, disparaging or predatory tactics will be entertained.

Relations with Principals: Members shall represent Principals in a fair and businesslike manner by their contact, their property, and other rights; and provide full and accurate business records.

Relations with Employees: Members shall strive to employ high-caliber staff and offer fair and equal opportunities for growth and development. Relevant training and constant upgrading of the employees has to be provided in line with job responsibilities. Also, employees have to be informed of their obligation to keep important data confidential. And of the fact that any professional misconduct constituting unauthorized disclosure of confidential nature or violation of copyright laws will cause employers to take disciplinary action.

Relations with the Public: Members shall promote the effective use of information technology as an instrument for social and economic good act as good corporate citizens and fulfill their responsibilities to the community.

Relations with International Community: Members shall promote communication with foreign countries, based on international cooperation. They would not harm India’s image while conducting business abroad.

Intellectual Property Protection: Members shall neither use nor encourage the use of pirated software in their own and their client’s organizations.

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