Pramati Technologies, developer, software and services Overview

Pramati Technologies provides a comprehensive set of tools, server software, and services that simplify and accelerate the development, deployment, and management of enterprise applications using Java ™ and XML.

Today, companies use Pramati’s products and services to quickly and cost-effectively port existing applications to J2EE ™ (the Enterprise Java standard)and build new applications on J2EE. Pramati enables its customers to focus on their key strength of building business solutions by assisting them in utilizing the Java platform and tools. The results are faster market time, lower engineering expenses, and superior performance.

Pramati Technologies, developer, software and services Overview

By helping software developers to quickly and economically build, migrate, and integrate applications that sit on top of the J2EE infrastructure, Pramati is focusing on a fast-growing market that is critical to successfully lowering costs, increasing customer reach, and improving operations.
services Overview
Guided by Technology
Vision Jay Pullur and Vijay Pullur founded Pramati with a very early vision of using the web as a worldwide client-server platform. The first version of the Pramati Web Application Server launched in 1997 was indeed very close to today’s J2EE, carrying business logic using server-side Java and web interface through JSP-like templates. Pramati has made a very early commitment to server-side Java and sustained it over the years by remaining high on the standards curve.
Design excellence and developer-friendliness have been the hallmark of Pramati products. This is evident in several places, be it in transparent clustering of EJB components multi-level extensible management console, or a radically different approach to the development cycle in its IDE product.
The Markets we serve best
The Internet is now an integral part of business strategy. Serving customers, partners, and employees with web-enabled business applications is critical to being competitive. Enterprises are switching to component-oriented,web-enabled platforms such as J2EE to manage technology costs, standardize software architecture, and support combinations of hardware/operating systems.
These standardization decisions greatly impact software product and platform vendors who serve a wide variety of customers. Pramati has designed J2EE products; services and unique OEM programs to enable such Enterprise Solution Vendors (ESVs)to better reengineer their offering to J2EE architecture or embed J2EE capability into their platform.
The Pramati Value Deliver products with a better user experience at a lower cost
Products built to the J2EE standards need an app server at runtime. Pramati ESV partners bundle our app server and ship a single CD to customers. Such a factory-fit application delivers single-click installation and guaranteed performance at a significantly lower-than-retail app server pricing. The complexities of the app server are totally transparent to the end-user.
Extend the platform with J2EE standards and get faster to market
Large applications and platform vendors require supporting J2EE standards within their products immediately. They require a reliable, high-performance implementation that can be easily integrated into the product and extended. Pramati provides J2EE technology to OEM partners who get a high level of product control, at a much lower cost and in a quick time.
Deploy J2EE across the enterprise across heterogeneous systems
Enterprises are looking to deploy applications at several locations, across many combinations of hardware and operating systems. Pramati Server fits this bill, with its cleanroom design, optimal resource usage, compact footprint, and pure Java code that supports heterogeneous platforms. Pramati enables central management of servers and applications deployed across the enterprise.
Span the J2EE development lifecycle with intuitive tools
Developing enterprise solutions using J2EE is extremely complex without the right IDE. Pramati Studio provides such a framework and toolset to ensure the delivery of quality and standards-compliant J2EE components in faster development cycles. The IDE empowers developers with complete platform independence and server-neutral development.

A Winning Business Model
Pramati’s radical business model is driven by its unique solution set that includes the Server, the IDE, and technology expertise. Together, these J2EE-enable enterprise solutions and platform vendors – provide a complete solution stack and an “out-of-the-box ” experience to their customers.
Pramati has taken a full-channel approach through OEMs, which has kept the cost of customer acquisition low, thus leading to a profitable business. In no time, Pramati has acquired a solid reputation in the Asia-Pacific market, has built a strong focus in North America, and has continued to be on the shortlist of successes in the application server world.
The ever-increasing scope and continuous evolution of the standards mean high investment in engineering. Pramati Technologies has the engineering muscle and cost efficiencies to do that through its R&D; center in Hyderabad, India. Indeed, Pramati has been a talent magnet, with its vibrant culture and management nurturing innovation and teamwork.

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